

In an effort to save on gas ($$$) and time, I have scheduled my occupational therapy the same day as my physical therapy (in the pool).   At this moment I’m thinking that was REALLY a dumb decision.  My pain levels are off the charts tonight, I feel sick to my stomach from it.  Have taken all the meds that I think I can, safely… so it’s going to be a long night.   I can now understand why my pt said “We don’t want you to overdo”…  My knees, my hands, and upper parts of my legs are burning.   yuck

It’s sort of pathetic watching me trying to get “up” anywhere, and yes, I have fallen a couple of times, not sure if its just that I’m a klutz or medications make me unsteady on my feet…maybe a combo of both?  At any rate it’s quite a challenge to get up… first because my left hand is so much worse than my right (making it even hard to steer the car); and also my right knee is swollen, believed to be a miniscus tear, and I have a baker’s cyst on the back of my leg, kneeling on this is not easy nor without a lot of pain.  Okay, enough whining.

When all else fails, choose ice!   It is helping a bit, though I need to put heat on my wrists.

I think tomorrow is going to be an in-patient at home day, which is frustrating because I had things I wanted to try to get done, but such is life…. whoops I’m whining again, sorry.

Tomorrow I will be making my first “vision board”…. putting on that things I want today, and also the near future.  The idea is to send the message out to the universe and watch it all come true.  I have found in recent and past…that it does work.

So, if anyone wants to come over and play nurse with me, I’d welcome it… the stairs are a killer.

Alright, I’m ending now, I have said I wasn’t going to whine and that’s all I’ve done.

Hope your day was well and that tomorrow will bring you even more wealth of goodness.

hugz donna

About anartistslife

Through the many trials, triumphs and tribulations of my life, I share my stories to help others. I share my thoughts to perhaps bring a new point of view to my readers, and I share my opinions because I just have better ideas! ♥♥! Where would we be without humor? And music, Art??

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